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We're starting out February with a bit of snow on the ground. The storm that is currently innundating the northeast with snow ran mostly north of us. One of my morning chores has become spreading a little bird seed around our shallow well and cistern. While I keep our bird feeder filled most of the time, sprinkling a little birdseed around the well often draws eight to ten bright red cardinals there, but only when I don't have my camera with me. A good bit of what I'll be doing this month will be tending to stuff we already have started: sage; hosta; gloxinias; petunias; vinca; impatiens; dianthus; asparagus; onions; geraniums; daisies; catnip; celery; snapdragons; and gloxinias. Later this month, I'll start our cauliflower. Although the varieties have about the same days-to-maturity dates as our broccoli, the cauliflower always takes two to three weeks longer to mature than our broccoli. The broccoli will get seeded towards the end of the month, possibly along with some Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Other things to start may include lettuce, spinach, and possibly some beets.
I'll be looking for a windless day combined with non-freezing temperatures this month to spray our apple trees with dormant oil spray. Such a spray can kill insects and insect eggs overwintering on the trees.
Tuesday, February 2, 2021 - Texas Nachos
While Texas Nachos used to be an occasional dinner when our kids were home, we now reserve the treat for Super Bowl Sundays. I checked our recipe and made a shopping list today for what we'll need. I'll need to really cut down the recipe, as it feeds six or more. It appears that Super Bowl Sunday this year may be a good day to stay bundled up and inside. The predicted high temperature for our area is 10° F with a sub-zero overnight low. We've been fortunate so far this winter in not having lots of snow or really low temperatures. It appears winter will really set in for us next week. And in case you missed it, Punxsutawney Phil predicts 6 more weeks of winter. Three of the Maverick Mix geranium seed I started three days ago had germinated by this morning. Those seeds got moved to three inch pots, but still remain over a soil heating mat. I'm hopeful some of the rest of the pack of ten seeds will sprout in the next day or two. Wednesday, February 3, 2021 - Onions The tray of onions I started a week ago today are coming up nicely. Some fresh Walla Walla seed and a slightly lower soil heating mat temperature has produced lots of emerging onions. I turned off the soil heating mat this morning and removed the clear humidome covering the onions. After one mostly failed tray in a previous planting of onions, I seeded pretty heavily with this tray. That's going to require some thinning later on. I'll need to remember not to put any of our trays of onions on the bottom shelf of our plant rack. Several years ago, two trays of onions hardening off on our back porch all began to die. When I closely inspected them, a strong odor of cat pee told me what was killing the onions. Cats seem to view a tray of soil as a good cat litter box. Egg Carton Petunias Some of our egg carton petunias in a kitchen window are quickly outgrowing their egg carton cells. Since the growth is a bit uneven, I'll need to move the larger plants into fourpack inserts while leaving the rest to grow a bit more in their egg cartons. The soil heating mat vacated by our last tray of onions will soon be filled with more petunias. While our current egg carton petunias are destined for hanging baskets, this planting will be for petunias for our garden plots. The Exchange 2021 Yearbook
The Yearbook is sent free to all listers. Non-listing SSE members at or above the $50 membership fee also get a copy. Even retired old geezer members like me at the $25 membership fee get a copy. I missed updating my listings by a day, but they still got included this year's print Yearbook. Non-members wanting a hard copy of the Yearbook can order one for $20. Alternatively, one can download a PDF version of the Yearbook for free. An advantage of the PDF over the hard copy is that it is searchable. And of course, one can view listings via SSE's Exchange site. We're certainly not in the business of selling garden seed. I do share some of our favorite heirloom seed varieties through the Seed Savers Member Exchange (SSE) and the Grassroots Seed Network (GSN). While we save seed from lots of vegetable and herb varieties, we only share our superstars. Listed below are our seed offerings for 2021 from seed grown out this last year (2020). I've also noted varieties recently made commercially available by the Turtle Tree Seed Initiative (TTSI).
I hadn't grown out our Quinte and Moira tomatoes for seed for several years. This last season, doing so became a priority. The plants went into the rather poor soil of our East Garden plot, but got a lot of peat moss and compost at planting. Both varieties excelled in production and season long health.
Note that I often add some ERS peppers to our Hungarian Paprika peppers when making ground paprika.
And a tip on growing peppers if they usually don't perform well for you. For years, our pepper plants looked good right up until the time they set fruit. Then they'd languish and eventually die. On a luckshot, I began adding a little Maxicrop
We use JLPs for pickles and pickle relish. They're also good for slicing, although not quite as good as pure slicing varieties. Note that JLPs require trellising, as the vigorous vines grow over five feet tall. We grow our JLP cucumbers as a succession crop after our tall, early peas. Since the variety is sixty days from direct seeding to mature cucumbers and even quicker from transplants, the cukes have plenty of time to produce despite being planted a bit late. GSN SSE Gloxinias - Our gloxinia seed was derived from crosses of the Empress, Cranberry Tiger, and Double Brocade varieties. It produces a variety of colors in single and double blooms. GSN SSE I dropped one listing this year. Missing from this year's offerings is the wonderful Abundant Bloomsdale spinach variety. We can grow good spinach and save seed from it. But our saved seed somehow turns out to be hard seed that requires near herculean efforts to germinate. So while I work out my spinach seed harvesting problems, I'll refer folks hunting the seed to either High Mowing Organic Seeds or the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. Backstories - For additional information on some of the varieties offered, here are a few of our pages that give the backstory of how we started saving the seed. Thursday, February 4, 2021 - Parsley
Good Gardening Books
"We are only accepting orders from commercial growers and farmers at this time. We will reopen for home garden orders again on February 10th and 11th." Bubel's volume on starting seeds runs a little over five or six dollars shipped for a used paperback copy and exhaustively covers starting garden plants from seed. Saturday, February 6, 2021 - Starting Cauliflower
I start our cauliflower seed in deep sixpack inserts filled with sterile potting mix. Each sixpack cell gets a seed buried about an eighth to a quarter inch deep, with an occasional extra seed at the edge of a few of the cells. Since a row in our main raised garden bed has room for six or seven plants, two sixpacks will pretty well take care of our spring cauliflower needs. The seeded sixpacks went into a tray over a soil heating mat set to 74° F and covered with a clear humidome. Cauliflower and most brassicas tend to get leggy immediately after germination if not supplied with good light. Transplanting the plants deeper into the soil can correct this problem, but it's obviously better to give the plants lots of early, close light to prevent the plants from becoming spindly. I stayed with several tried and true cauliflower varieties for this planting. I started open pollinated Amazing, Violet of Sicily, and Durgesh 41 and some hybrid Fremont. I'm running out of Fremont seed which is no longer commercially available, although Johnny's Selected Seeds offers an "improved Fremont-type hybrid," Bishop, that we'll probably try next year. Sunday, February 7, 2021 - Very Cold
Petunias It seems way too quick, but our egg carton petunias for hanging baskets are ready to be moved to fourpack inserts. But when I looked back at last January's blog, I found the timing to be about the same. Before moving the petunias to fourpacks and returning them to our lighted plant rack in the basement, I needed to make some room there and do one more job. I needed to start some replacement egg carton petunias. I like having petunias in the kitchen window, and I wanted to start some other varieties more suited for use in the garden than in hanging baskets. So I seeded a bunch of Celebrity petunias, and a couple cells each of Ultra and Perseverance. The Celebrity variety has been a longtime favorite of ours. I tried the Perseverance variety last year instead of Celebrity. While the purple Perseverance flowers were beautiful, the plants' growth pattern is to overgrow everything nearby! The Ultras are some really old seed I've had in the freezer for far too long. Planting them was more of a germination test than anything else. The egg cartons got filled with damp sterile potting mix. I made a depression in the center of the soil in each egg cell and dropped in a seed. Since most of the seed was pelletized, I went back with a syringe filled with very warm water and dripped water on each seed to help the pelletized coating to begin melting. One doesn't want to cover petunia seed, as it needs light to germinate. The new egg cartons of seeded petunias went onto a soil heating mat set to 76° F under our plant lights.
The petunias will remain in their fourpacks for less than a month. Then, they'll get moved three to a pot to hanging basket pots. For more complete information on this subject, see Starting Egg Carton Petunias. Cooking I'd bought a large Smithfield ham shank several weeks ago. When I brought it home, I divided it into three sections, freezing two of them. I thawed out the last frozen section this week to make ham salad and also a lovely ham dinner. The juices off the ham were used to soak some Hurst's HamBeens 15 Bean Soup. I prefer that bean mix to plain old navy beans. And of course, you can't have ham and beans without some cornbread. When it was time for lunch, I wondered aloud where all the beans had gone. At that point, my lovely wife, Annie, admitted that she'd been scooping out beans and eating them all morning! So there was a lot of ham and just a little beans for lunch. The Smithfield ham I bought was the fattest ham I've ever seen. But it also was one of the sweetest hams I've tasted. We made good use of all of the ham. The hide and fat got boiled down for our dogs to eat. While feeding table scraps to dogs is frowned upon by many, our dogs drag all sorts of road kill and deer carcases into our yard to gnaw on. I don't much mind folks poaching deer and field dressing them, as they are generally people just trying to feed their family, especially in these trying times. Later on today, I'll be making our usual Super Bowl treat of Texas Nachos. Tuesday, February 9, 2021 - Snow
Charity Ads
Having contributed regularly and run a banner ad for the charity every month for years, I decided it might be time to move on from them and share our free ads and donations with some other charities. (There's a lot more to that story, but I'm not into trashing charities by name.) There's certainly lots of need in the world. Charity Navigator helps me sort out the good guys from the bad guys.
Computers The image above right also shows my current computer setup. After a massive failure of our computers last summer, I began to rebuild things. My main office computer is now a 2018 Mac Mini running the Mojave operating system (10.4.6). I won't be upgrading it to Apple's latest and greatest OS any time soon, as Mojave is the last Mac OS that supports some of my old, but expensive application suites (Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, etc.). The other top shelf computer is another Mac Mini running my old favorite Snow Leopard (10.6.8) operating system that again saves me from having to upgrade to newer, more expensive version of several really, really, old applications. Each computer has a huge (6GB & 4GB) external drive holding the myriad of files I want to preserve. Below them are backup drives, which really saved my ass when our computers went to hell last summer. The laptop shown is my old 13 inch MacBook Pro that failed last summer after getting splattered with tomato sauce. Since that time, I have cleaned it up and got it running again. Replaced by a vintage 15 inch MacBook Pro, I finally unplugged the laptop this morning, returning it to its original box to give me a bit more desktop area. A Slow Day
Beyond that, feeding the birds outside (twice), collecting trash for tomorrow's pickup, and tightening some bolts on a couple of wobbly kitchen chairs, there hasn't been much to do today. Wednesday, February 10, 2021 - Does a Cold Winter Kill Bugs?
The extended cold spell and snow cover got me thinking yesterday. I wondered, "Does a cold winter really kill off insects?" And, "How cold for how long does it have to be to kill off insect pests and their eggs?" The long accepted common wisdom on the subject is that an intensely cold winter will decrease insect activity the next spring and possibly into the summer. From a little online research, I found the answer to my first question to be "yes" and "no." It appears to vary by the insect, how cold things get, and places where insects can hide and insulate themselves from the cold. And I was hoping we'd see less bugs next spring! We still are finding an occasional live stinkbug in our house. One bright spot in my research was a line from Erin Hodgson's How do insects survive the winter? "No matter the overwintering strategy, all insects will eventually die if it gets cold enough." As mentioned in our End of the Season Gardening Chores feature, clearing away old mulch and plant trash from ones garden denies insects places to overwinter in the garden. But it's a bit too late to do that now, and doing so doesn't stop bugs from finding spots in the yard next to the garden to hide.
We employ a variety of organic and not-so-organic controls to stay ahead of the bugs. We can also beat some bugs by gardening practices. In years when soybeans are grown in the field next to our garden, we grow our green beans early, before the Japanese beetle population multiplies on the soybeans and migrates to our garden. For the coming season, the field should be rotated to corn, so we can plant our beans a bit later in the season. Getting back to the cold weather and bugs thing, here are a few articles that might be helpful:
Since I broke our usual practice of planting just half of the 80' x 80' plot last year and used almost the whole area, crop rotations for this year got a bit dicey. Our single row of melons will cross diagonally where we had melons last year. Cutting down the melon rows allowed me to move a planned row of tomatoes and peppers in a good bit tighter than originally planned. Running the row down the middle of the plot wasn't an option, as when we did that two years ago, we had an outbreak of anthracnose which might yet remain in the soil. I plan to keep our planting of butternut squash in the garden plot proper, transplanting them where we had sweet corn last season. Our pumpkins will once again grow outside the East Garden plot on what is right now our compost pile. While plans for our two narrow raised garden beds are pretty much locked in for the full season, our large main raised garden bed plans are still incomplete. I haven't yet decided what and how much and where things will go. The weird graduated lines in the image at left are my measuring sticks.
I still use the old Appleworks 6 computer application for my garden planning/mapping. That's one of the reasons I maintain two Mac Minis. The older one runs Appleworks natively in full size. My new Mini only runs Appleworks via the Sheepshaver emulator which I can't get to run well full screen. While working on today's posting, I also got busy and contributed to our public broadcasting stations. We get our public television from WSIU out of Carbondale, Illinois. Our public radio comes to us from WFYI Indianapolis via a Terre Haute transmitter. Sunday, February 14, 2021 - Valentines Day
I made a shopping trip to town today mainly for bird seed. Our local Walmart was sold out of milk and almost out of bread as folks stocked up ahead of the storm. I trimmed back the tallest shoots of our sage plants yesterday. Trimming released the sage's pungent but pleasant aroma. The sage and other plants in our sunroom are doing well. After adding a max-min thermometer and seeing an overnight low of 39° F, I turned on an oil heater in the room. It hasn't gotten below 45° F since.
Another planting where nearly every seed planted came up is our cauliflower. I'll soon need to thin the cauliflower to one plant per cell. Not all of our plantings go so well. The parsley I started from seed saved last year was a total bust. I reseeded the pot today with commercial seed. Also, our seeding of Celebrity petunias looked like a fail yesterday. But when I started to reseed the egg cartons today, I found that some germination had begun. And I'm not sure why, but I'm surprised every year at how fast our flats of onion seedlings dry out. While the drying is probably due to the intense number of plants in the flats, the memory issue is one that sorta concerns me. Monday, February 15, 2021 - Snow As predicted, it's snowing today. The main part of the overnight snow went mainly north of us, just dropping enough to fill in footprints and tire tracks. According to weather radar, we're now into a much larger snowstorm that is still predicted to leave 6-7 inches of snow today. I made a quick trip to the gas station two miles away. Road conditions were already terrible. Our bird feeder was empty this morning. Instead of filling it, I spread birdseed around the covers of our shallow well and cistern. The seed draws quite a crowd. Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - National Cabbage Day??
Starting Broccoli
I also started some very old Premium Crop broccoli seed. Seed for the hybrid variety has disappeared from the marketplace, so this may be one of the last years we can grow the very productive variety. A final variety seeded was Castle Dome, a hybrid we've had good crops with the last two years. Having been able to save Goliath broccoli seed, it appears that the open pollinated Goliath and the hybrid Castle Dome may be our broccoli varieties for the next few years. The last sixpack was seeded to Alcosa, Tendersweet, and Super Red 115 cabbage and Hestia and Dagan Brussels sprouts. I give specifics about planting brassicas in Growing Great Broccoli and Cauliflower. Staying here with brassicas, I plucked out all but one plant per cell of our cauliflower last night. Snow and Boots
Along with the snow, temperatures this morning dipped to -3° F. I'm now glad I hooked up an oil heater in our previously unheated sunroom. The max-min thermometer there showed an overnight low of 50° F. Our current extended weather forecast doesn't show us thawing out until Sunday. But after that, it appears that we'll be staying above freezing during the daylight hours. Of course, when the snow all melts, I'll be grumbling about all the mud to walk through.
Only then did I begin to vaguely remember that the venerable old boots had finally fallen apart last year. I apparently had replaced them, although I can find no record of the order. It may have been one of the few files I lost in last summer's computer meltdowns. And besides the boots, I found a brand new pair of tennis shoes! I need to look under our bed a bit more often. Now I need to lace up those dandy new boots, fetch the mail and fill our bird feeder.
Saturday, February 20, 2021 - Getting Warmer
Trimming Onions It was time today to do a first trimming of our three trays of onion starts. As one page title puts it, "Trimming Onion Starts for Stronger Plants." Even so, I always have a little trepidation at doing the deed, fearing that I might kill our onion starts. I use a good pair of stainless steel shears to trim our onions. While some sources suggest saving the cuttings to use as chives, I don't. One or two of the varieties I planted had treated seed, the hulls of which were sometimes still attached to the leaves. I've also had to douse parts of two trays with some Captan to hold back mold. Both seed treatment and Captan are poisonous. One tray of onions usually satisfies our needs. I went a little crazy trying to get some old seed to germinate, ending up with way too many onion transplants than we'll need. Fortunately, I already have an outlet for the extras in mind. I try to trim the onions about an inch and a half above the soil level. What I end up with is cuts ranging from one to two inches above soil level. I also try to clean up any onion leaves that drop to the soil surface to discourage rot. The onion plants will have at least a couple of weeks to recover and regrow before I move them outside under a cold frame to harden off. When I looked at our daily splashshots in Adobe Bridge today, I realized why I've become a bit snow weary this month. So far, we've only had four days this month with no snow on the ground. Sunday, February 21, 2021 - Seeds We Save While I've previously mentioned here the six or seven seed varieties we share at times via the Grassroots Seed Network and the Seed Savers Exchange, we actually save many more varieties of vegetable and flower seed. Saving seed year after year allows varieties to adapt to ones growing conditions. It can also save a few dollars in seed costs. What we offer to share are mostly endangered varieties. Other stuff we save but don't share include commonly available varieties via seed racks or seed houses, patented (PVP) seed varieties we can't legally share, and generally, seed older than one year old. And some of the saved seed varieties below are getting really old. I need to grow out a few of them. With lots of snow still on the ground, I had time to run through our seed inventory yesterday to make a list of most everything we have saved seed from in recent years. Do note that we don't save seed from all of these varieties in any one year. I've noted in parentheses the year we last saved seed from each variety.
If you're just getting into seed saving, let me recommend Rob Johnston, Jr.'s Growing Garden Seeds. It's a small booklet at a very good price that lists instructions on saving seed for a lot of vegetables. I haven't been able to get the page to load this weekend, but the Vegetable Seed Saving Handbook had a nice page, Why Save Seeds, and offers basic seed saving information for many vegetables. Tough Day I think we had a sympathy (empathy) day today for the folks suffering power and water outages in Texas. I awoke to a very cold house this morning. Our furnace seemed to light, but the fan didn't turn on. So I called the furnace guy. Just wondering, I checked the gauge on our LP tank. Empty! So, I called our LP supplier to get an emergency fill. This stuff isn't supposed to happen, as we're on a keep full basis. Then I called the furnace guy to give him a wave off, although I'm having him come out to service our furnace when he has time. As a rather chagrined LP driver filled our tank, our power went out! Fortunately, it came back on within minutes. A couple of guys from our REMC showed up an hour later. Without anything to fix, they swapped out our old electric meter for a new one. I'm thankful everything is working once again. Several years ago, we had our electricity go off for a little over three days. Our house was filled with the smell of kerosene heaters. This time around with the power mostly on, we stayed fairly warm using three oil heaters and our fireplace. Possibly the best news of the day was the sun was out a good bit and temperatures reached the low forties. It felt like springtime.
With most of the snow melted in our back yard, I checked our garlic today. I was pleased to see a few garlics beginning to emerge. In warm winters, fall planted garlic may emerge as early as December or January! I was happy to see some coming up and that none of our planted garlic cloves had heaved out of the soil in winter freezes and thaws. I had to re-seed our Celebrity petunias and Goliath broccoli yesterday. Neither had germinated well. While I used the last of our pelletized Celebrity seed, I also added some non-pelletized seed from Park Seed. The Goliath broccoli not germinating really disturbed me. When I finished saving seed last fall, I did a rough germination test to see if the seed was good. It appeared so at that time, but this failure has me worried. I got my second Covid-19 vaccination this morning. As a precaution, I stocked up on essentials, as I may feel too lousy to go anywhere tomorrow. I had a sore arm and raging arthritis after my first shot. One of our daughters related that her side effects were worse after her second shot. But...I'm thrilled to be fully vaccinated against the virus. My lovely and much younger wife, Annie, became eligible to sign up for a vaccination today, although her first shot date is about a month away. Stay safe and healthy. Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - Just How Early Can You Plant Peas?
So I began looking online for some guidance. I began with Burpee:
According to The Old Farmers Almanac:
With a high temperature of 60° F today, I couldn't resist getting started on pea planting. While I didn't put any seed into the ground, as our soil temps were around 36° F, I did rake out the prospective pea bed, make a furrow for the pea seed, and worked some fertilizer and granular soil inoculant into the soil. I'd also fetched a container of ground limestone for the raised bed, but our soil tester said our soil was in the sweet spot of pH 6.8-7.0.
"I don't think there's anything more satisfying for me than walking out into the garden in March, through the last few patches of snow, to plant the year's first crop of peas." Bubel wrote (The New Seed Starter's Handbook pp 272-3): "You can sow early, mid-season, and late varieties on the same day, or make successive plantings of peas seeds throughout the cool weeks of early spring, but there's no point in sowing most kinds of peas later than two to three weeks before the the frost-free date, because the yield of peas maturing in warm weather seldom justifies the space they take." So I'll wait a day or two before seeding our early peas. The seed will get coated with Captan fungicide to prevent rot, totally blowing any hope of organic peas, but preserving our precious seed. And we'll be off and running for our 2021 gardening season. Saturday, February 27, 2021 - Planting Early Peas Getting impatient for the soil to warm and possibly jumping the gun a bit, I went ahead and seeded our early peas today. There wasn't much to the job, as the raised bed for the peas had been fall tilled. A few days ago, I raked out the bed, made a wide furrow for the pea seed, and worked some 12-12-12 fertilizer and granular soil inoculant into the soil.
To prevent seed rot, I coated the seed with Captan fungicide. I wet and drained the seed and stirred in the powdered fungicide. After that, I only handled the seed wearing examination gloves, as Captan was once classed as a probable human carcinogen. Then it was just a matter of sprinkling the seed down the wide furrow. I used lots of seed, following the sage advice of the late Jim Crockett in Crockett's Victory Garden (pg 20):
It rained a little last night, and it's supposed to rain again this evening. So watering the new planting wasn't necessary. But our extended weather forecast doesn't show much sign of rain after tonight, so I may be watering the planting by mid-week. I tell about how we grow our peas from planting to harvest and storage in our how-to feature, Another Garden Delicacy: Homegrown Peas. While outside, I noticed that a few of our daffodils are emerging. I stopped to pull some weeds and leaves from around the daffodils, and even discovered an earthworm on the soil surface. I didn't offer any of our saved Abundant Bloomsdale spinach seed in our seed offerings this year. I held it back because we've had a hard time getting our saved seed to germinate well. Of course, spinach is a hard coated seed. So this morning, I began a six to eight hour soaking of some of the seed we saved last year. Per several web pages instructions on priming spinach seed, I'll let the seed dry, refrigerate it for a week, and then plant it. If this effort crashes and burns, I still have lots of saved spinach seed in the freezer. But if it works, we'll be off and running on a possibly longer spinach harvest than normal this spring.
I'm still using my nearly fifty year old Weston Mirroband darkroom thermometer to measure soil temperature. I also use it when hot water treating seed or checking potting mix to make sure I don't cook seed going into it. While the model 2265 Weston thermometer appears to only be available on eBay these days, Amazon does carry what appears to be an updated version of my thermometer. And a follow up to my second Coronavirus vaccination: While I had a sore shoulder around the injection site for two days, I suffered no other ill effects from the second shot. My vaccinations were with the Moderna vaccine. And once again, our Sullivan County (IN) Health Department seemed
to really have their act together on giving the shots.
Sunday, February 28, 2021 - February Wrap-up
Moving the geraniums out from under our plant lights made room for at least one new planting. I've already started milkweed, parsley, cauliflower, more petunias, broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts this month. I hope to use the open space for lettuce, either today or in the next few days. We had heavy rain overnight. This morning, I squished my way out to our raised beds to check on our newly planted peas. As I'd expected, about fifteen peas had heaved up to the soil surface from the rain. I pushed them back under the soil surface and covered them. Almost all of the peas I poked back into the ground had adsorbed a good bit of moisture and were swollen.
Contact Steve Wood, the at Senior Gardening |
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