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One of the Joys of Maturity
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Our Best Garden Photos of 2023
November 26, 2023

I love gardening, and I also enjoy taking pictures. Publishing Senior Gardening allows me to combine both avocations. Most of the photos below have appeared somewhere on Senior Gardening during the last year.

My favorite photo of the year turned out to be of bumblebees pollinating our Goliath broccoli blooms.

Bumblebees pollinating broccoli blooms

Clicking on an image will open a larger version of it in a new tab or window. Hovering your mouse over any image should display a description of the image.

All photos on this page are copyrighted, but may be used for desktop photos without permission or payment. All other use requires prior consent, massive royalty payments, your left pinkie finger...grin (Actually, I'm a pretty soft touch on non-commercial use of my photos, especially for educators. Just , please.)

Goliath broccoli plants in bloom Lettuce drying on dish rack Purple pea blossoms
Paprika peppers Our total Winesap harvest for 2023 The rest of our 2023 apple harvest
Earliest Red Sweet peppers Our row of ERS pepper plants Browning hamburger with fresh basil and oregano from our herb bed
White snapdragons Vinca Celebrity Petunia
A new compost pile gets started Fall cauliflower November!

Food shots: It was a great year for spring peas.

A bucket of peas Lots of peas per pod Peas

Pints of peas for the freezer

Spinach salad Butternut squash mock yams All of our apples this year made one pie


It seems every year our oregano attempts to take over one side of our herb bed. Harvesting and drying it...and later cutting it back keeps it somewhat in control.

Oregano overgrowing bed Oregano dried Finished oregano

I do turn the camera for vertical shots sometimes.

Using Squeezo Strainer Intensive planting of onions, lettuce, carrots, and beets Our one rose bush
Flowers down west side of raised beds Flowers down the east side of our raised beds Zinnias bordering East Garden
Paprika peppers Ground paprika Fall carrots Baby voluntereer dill

And a few larger shots...

Zinnias, East Garden, and Buckwheat

Goliath broccoli seed pods


Fall kale, carrots, spinach, and green beans

Our late planted long row of tomatoes and paprika peppers in our East Garden

Not quite a garden photo, but a lovely evening sky on November 14.

Evening sky - November 14, 2023

Photo Gear

I haven't changed any of our photo gear recently, so I'll just provide a link to that information for those who might be interested in what I use.

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